Anthem 5K 2011

Rodes City Run Logo

Whas Crusade for Children Logo

Papa John's 10 Miler -
Race Seeding

Race Beginning

If you would like to be considered for a seeded position in the 2011 Papa John's 10 Miler, and have completed a ten-mile race in a time faster than listed below, please submit proof * of your race time
by February 14, 2011 to:

Papa John's 10 Miler Seeding
PO Box 99900
Louisville KY 40269-0900


Fax to: 502-261-4799
Attention: Papa John's 10 Miler Seeding

Qualifying Time Requirements
Men: 1:05:00
Women: 1:20:00

* Copy of Race Results Certificate, Copy of Finishers Postcard, Print-out of online race results or copy of newspaper race results are all acceptable forms of proof of race time. Race results must be from 2009 or 2010 races.

If you completed the 2010 Papa John's 10 Miler, you will automatically be considered for, but not guaranteed, a seeded position. If you've recently finished a ten-mile race with a better time than you achieved during the 2010 Papa John's 10 Miler, please submit proof of your race time(s) to better your chances of receiving a seeded position. Runners who are granted a seeded position will be given bib numbers 1-200 and will line up nearest the starting line on race morning.